Sunday, January 06, 2008

More Thoughts for the New Year

Beginning in November, several ladies participated in an e-mail study group using the book Preparing My Heart for Advent.* Below are some snippets from the devotionals for December 26 through January 6. May they bless the start of your New Year:

Did you know God knows your name? He knows everything about you (see Jeremiah 1:5). He knows exactly what you need and wants to give it to you. He is the giver of all perfect gifts [James 1: 17] . . . But what if you wanted to give God a gift? How would you know what He wanted? The same way you choose a friend’s gift. You need to spend time with Him and study about Him. You need to ask Him questions to know how to please Him and walk in His light (p. 137).

. . . we can look forward to deepening our relationship with God, as well as living with the ultimate hope of seeing Him face to face (p. 138).

O come all ye who are faithful, come adore Jesus all year long. And in His presence may you feel His life and His light (p. 143).

Let your goals reflect your priorities: God, spouse, children, family, others . . . Just like the psalmist, ask God how you can best spend your time to gain a heart of wisdom (p. 144).

Who are you living for this year? Philippians 1: 21 reads, “For to me, to live is Christ” (p. 146).

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God” (Matthew 5: 9) . . . In this new year, keep your accounts short. Give yourself the gift of forgiveness . . . (p. 148).

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up (1 Thessalonians 5: 11a) . . . Isn’t it awesome that we have such a powerful positive tool to use for God’s glory? Let us step out in encouragement and love (p. 150).

*Ann Marie Stewart ©2005

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