Sunday, November 11, 2007

Faith and the Fatherless

But this time, Jesus, how can I be sure
I will not lose my follow-through
Between the altar and the door?
~Casting Crowns
So simply stated above is the struggle all of us in this walk with Jesus face. Here in the midst of brothers and sisters, we are encouraged, inspired, and motivated. But how can we maintain our faith, more importantly put it in action, beyond the doors of this building?

My mind can’t help but immediately go to the fact that this is National Adoption Month. Surely you’ve seen the poster downstairs and the flyers in the foyer. In James there is no mincing of words: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (1: 27). We are to care for the fatherless.

The most obvious and direct response is to adopt. Prayerfully consider this incredible journey and blessing. The foster care system is in desperate need of stable homes for children who are often described as social orphans. Many of these children are available for adoption as well. Does your heart draw you to this avenue of love?

You may not be called to adopt or provide foster care, but the opportunities to live out such a pure and faultless religion are numerous! Sponsor a child through any of the organizations that care for children around the world. Be a part of a mission team which helps build children’s homes. Get involved in a program such as Big Brothers and Big Sisters. Have the home that all the neighborhood kids come to for wholesome fun. Walk alongside a young person who may not have the support they need at home. Be a guide for a new Christian who comes from a family of non-believers. Each of us can discover the ways God has prepared us for expressing His love. Just ask Him to show you!


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